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​Find Your Buried Treasure - 90 Days to Emotional Freedom

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Your Invitation to the Emotional Freedom Program


I'm so excited that you want a simple clear path to break the cycle of emotional triggers & knee-jerk reactions and reclaim your Self, your relationships, and your life!


The 90 Days to Emotional Freedom program is for the courageous people like  you who would love to be navigating decisions and relationships full of connection and peace. 


You’ve tried All The Things like books, talk therapy, and even courses already, but they all made you feel even worse because the triggers and repeated patterns keep happening! You just want your life to feel more balanced and consistent. 


And you’re just **so done** with the emotional roller coaster that keeps jerking your around in your life - your relationships - your career - even your parenting. You “thought” you  were going to be more balanced and happy with the new relationship, the new job, the new house, etc... You thought the therapy would cure you - the book would cure you - the new experience would cure you...


You’ve had enough of being told that you have to just deal with it and just learn to "manage the symptoms" (rage, shutdown, avoidance, self-sabotage, anxiety, just to name just a few). 

Instead, you want a direct path to stop the emotional roller coaster and triggers that knock you sideways. You want emotional balance and connection in relationships.


You want to be seen - understood - acknowledged. 


……without having to sit in talk therapy for years

……without having to once again drudge through the trauma 

……without wasting more time and money to end up feeling worse

......without more "techniques" that work sometimes but other times things still go sideways


You’re ready to take the steps to go inward - under the surface - to reconnect with your True Self so you go from  not knowing when the next emotional eruption is going to happen - to the leader of your life who has consistent accomplishments, momentum, and emotional stability.


Why the Emotional Freedom Method? 

There’s a lot of advice out there on how to stop triggers and get emotional balance.


In my 12 years in the hypnotherapy & coaching industry, I’ve seen a lot of theories & trends come and go, and I’ve invested well over $100K in my own learning and healing. 

Based on my experiences, I’ve created the Emotional Freedom Method and the Rapidly Evolving Life program so can you bypass the “noise” and complication that is  out there and have a guided path that is actionable and will show results that will apply to every area of your life - and for the Rest Of Your Life. 


Using my Emotional Freedom Method (and while having a very busy life as a special-needs mom,

working, and grad school student) I’ve been able to…. 


• Remove 98% of my triggers

• Stop the feeling of the "need" of alcohol

• Lose weight and keep a healthy lifestyle​

• Have deep connection in relationships


I’ve helped hundreds of people with a variety of issues accelerate their healing journey and give them momentum on a direct path to bringing ease and peace to their life!


The Emotional Freedom® Method is much different…(and easier!) than all the other  emotional healing methods out there.


There are just 5 simple steps: 

Step1: Identify the issue or repeated pattern you want to break free from. 

Step 2: Track the trigger to the underlying emotion inside the body

Step 3: Follow a simple process to have communication and learn from it

Step 4: Map out the inner system within the subconscious understanding the core beliefs

Step 5: Reconnect with the inner system & update core beliefs to the present moment


You’ll use this for your entire life!  

I STILL DO many years later. 


Over 12 weeks, you’ll map out your subconscious that will bring back the  energy and momentum of your BIG vision of how you know deep inside that life can be! With a simple step-by-step guide to bring back your confidence and get you moving forward in your life with deliberate intention!


You can't heal emotional unrest and repeated life patterns from the Logical Reasoning Brain, nor from the Outside-In (from your adult self).


There are 2 things needed to truly heal the buried core wounds that have been anchored in and then suppressed since then:

1) You must use self-compassion and daily attention to every trigger/emotional surge that arises - and then

2) meet the needs that arose from "back then" when you felt abandoned, unseen, unheard, unrecognized, unappreciated.


** No re-living the trauma **

** No more trying to understand it from the Logical Reasoning Brain **

It lives in the Subconscious - where it started in the first place -

and that's precisely where we need to go to heal it - in the Subconscious.


And here’s the really cool thing….. 

…….this structured, strategic process facilitates a BIG inner up-level of your  thinking!

You’ll move through any remaining resistance, self-doubt,  perfectionism, or overthinking that has kept you STUCK in the past. 


What’s included in the 90 Days to Emotional Freedom program:


  1. 12 weekly Live (and recorded) group coaching calls with specific lessons and Q&A 

  2. Workbooks and Worksheets to help you map out your subconscious

  3. 12 weekly Live Group Watch Parties where we watch & then discuss (documentaries, TedTalks, etc.)

  4. 12 weekly Live Bookclub sessions where we read & discuss 

  5. Private community where you can tag me directly and ask questions and interact with others who are also on this healing journey

  6. One 1:1 session with me to help you connect & communicate with any part that comes up and is difficult for you to connect with

  7. Recorded guided meditations to help you connect with your subconscious

  8. Recorded video, audio, and written transcripts to accomodate any learning style


The 90 Days to Emotional Freedom program combines expert guidance, comprehensive resources, an engaged community forum, and live interactive sessions. It's a profound 90-day roadmap to end emotional imprisonment so you can reclaim your True Self, your life, and your relationships.


You will graduate the program with:

  • a Certificate of Completion,

  • a completed inner Parts Map,

  • a deliberate-intention Boundary Map for each of the 12 areas in Life,

  • a Daily Practice that will keep you centered, 

  • an AI "True You" self-portrait image file to use as you wish


You’ll have a high level of support every step of the way as you learn the simple path to turning attention inward and re-creating your life from the inside out! This is truly a life-changing process. I am living proof!


Wow! You can see how much support and personalization is inside the program! That’s  of high importance to me. Also, the private & confidential community forum and FB group are very important as an added feature of healing in relationship. I’m in there every day supporting clients in their process. 


However, this is not for you if: 

*You're not committed to turning attention inward 

*You're not serious about doing the inner work to up-level your life  

*You’re not in a safe physical environment at this time (where you still need your inner Protector     Parts on full patrol) 

*You're not truly ready to step fully into the life you deserve to create for yourself 

*You’re not 100% in a full space of self-responsibility at the moment

*You're not ready to fully invest time and funds into yourself 


Using the Emotional Freedom Method as outlined here, you’ll have the direct path to bring emotional balance and success to your life and suddenly you’ll SEE that you will Break Free of the triggers and harmful repeated patterns much quicker than you thought!


You will no longer be struggling and knocked sideways out of the blue!

You’ll stop doubting yourself and second-guessing your vision!

Instead, you’ll be doing the exact steps needed finally change your life with an uncomplicated (and much  quicker) growth path.


Imagine that it’s 12 weeks from now and you have even just 50% less triggers and a solid process for navigating emotions - and a clear communication method when knee-jerk reactions do happen!


Imagine your closest relationships and how they will look and feel different with clear communication.


Imagine knowing EXACTLY what to do when a trigger does happen.


Imagine being able to share with your loved ones the exact map of your inner system so they can help support you going forward from a place of really knowing you and understanding you.


ahhhhh... how different life will look just 12 weeks from now.


Imagine your confidence soaring and feeling like you're standing on solid ground. 


When do I get started? 

You can step into the 90 Day program at any time and watch the recordings of any live classes that have already happened. You can join the live calls that are on the schedule. You will have access to the Beta Program as long as it is running and then you will be granted access to the Learning Platform for the life of the program. I will be requiring any future clients of mine to purchase and go through the 90 Day program prior to having 1:1 sessions with me, so this program will be hosted on the Learning Platform for life.


What’s the investment level? 

The remarkable results are well worth the investment to finally change your life, get you on a solid foundation, because from there you literally can create anything you truly want in life. There will be nothing holding you back from now on. The struggle is over. 


If this feels aligned for what you need in your next steps of growth, and you are excited about the unique opportunity to give me direct feedback in the creation of the final program that will be required by all future clients of mine, then I will offer it at 75% off for you.


I will be adding in additional bonus material that involves ease of manifesting, exploring "legacy" intergenerational trauma, and other transpersonal group regression recordings.


I take every technique that worked for me in my own healing journey (where I invested 16 years and over $100,000) and will offer a taste of it either in the direct teaching of this program or in the bonus material. 


For the Beta group only, the investment is $497 (less than one month of typical talk therapy).


It is my mission to bring this to the "masses". It is my mission to turn my pain into my purpose to help guide you on your healing journey. It is my mission to hand you my life in service, vulnerable, and sharing with you my experiences and struggles. You are not alone. I'm here to walk with you. 


See You Beneath The Surface,






Are you ready to break free from triggers causing overwhelming emotions, harmful repeated patterns, and knee-jerk reactions that keep showing up? The 90-day Emotional Freedom program provides a compassionate community environment where you will be supported while finally understanding what is going on inside of you, learning exactly how to process through and learn from the emotions, and reconnecting with all fragmented parts inside of you.


This powerful program gives you the exact methods and tools you have been searching for to finally:

stop the triggers,

end the emotional overwhelm,

understand the anxiety/depression spirals,

and break the cycle of repeated patterns that keep showing up in your life.


All of these things that have been happening are not by accident, and this program will explain to you exactly why they keep happening!


With this unique method and new knowledge, you will step into your True Self, easily state and enforce healthy boundaries, and live your life with deliberate intention in all areas of life. This program incorporates exact examples of communication to speak up for your boundaries and exact steps for decision-making - from your True Self - not from people-pleasing or following unspoken rules.


This program cuts through "psycho-babble" jargon and complex psychotherapy theory to bring you straightforward, easy-to-understand, and exact action-steps that will compassionately guide you through the process one step at a time without overwhelm - and without having to re-live any trauma or tell your story once again to another practitioner.


All the parts of you within your inner system know exactly what and why. This program will teach you the HOW - how to recognize, how to reconnect, and how to respond.


The Roadmap to Your Buried Treasure:


Stop Triggers & Repeated Harmful Patterns

  • Identify internal and external triggers

  • Feel and befriend bodily sensations signaling distress

  • Practice the "Pause for the Cause" technique

  • Write/record racing thought streams

  • Complete quizzes illuminating your attachment style


Start Conscious Trigger-Response Practice

  • Breathe consciously into and alongside intense emotions

  • Guide your attention inward with meditation

  • List your core unmet needs beneath anger/shame

  • Listen to confidence-boosting audio exercises daily


Interrupt Repeating Patterns

  • Explore your family's generational impacts via genograms

  • Discover your inner selves through writing, voice mapping, and visualization exercises

  • Learn about your "Human Instinct Survival Brain"


Discover Your Heroic Self (your Core Essence)

  • Complete worksheets identifying your unique strengths

  • Work through exercises uncovering your transcendent values and purpose

  • Make a path to embody your ideal self-concept


Understand Your Intricate Inner System

  • Use meditation to meet your psyche's "protector" parts

  • Journal about core wounds each part seeks to prevent

  • Track bodily impacts of your protectors' operating patterns


Heal Disconnected Inner Parts

  • Compassionately release protectors from outdated roles

  • Reparent your inner child through writing and visualization

  • Start a morning journaling ritual to nurture self-attunement


Create an Empowered Vision

  • Uncover your intrinsic desires beyond anger/control

  • Map your vision onto key life dimensions

  • Use decision tools to align daily choices with your vision


Transform Conflicts into Catalysts

  • Identify core unmet needs within yourself and others

  • Explore methods to repair relational ruptures

  • Learn to mindfully hold differences with compassion

  • Learn Restorative Communication: Rupture, Repair, Reconnect


Build Bonds of Belonging

  • Set empowering boundaries in each of 12 life areas

  • Engage new hobbies that honor your rejuvenation

  • Practice courageous authenticity and vulnerability in gatherings


Our Emotional Freedom program combines expert guidance, comprehensive resources, an engaged community forum, and live interactive sessions. It's a profound 90-day roadmap to escape emotional imprisonment so you can reclaim your True Self, your life, and your relationships.


Enrollment is currently open for the Beta testing group, where you will get live time with me and help me create the ultimate action-oriented program without emotional overwhelm.



Use your healing journey to help change the lives of others who are struggling.

This is a Unique Opportunity to walk alongside me

creating this Life Changing Program to bring it to others!


And get me Live for 3 months - with recordings & tools & community, 

For Less than 1 month's cost of four one-hour sessions!

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