I will begin facilitating an online group that focuses on our Inner Parts associated with body image, food cravings, diet fails, healthy weight management, and freedom from the uncontrollable urges of emotional eating.
Food addiction, the diet roller coaster, weight fluctuation, binging and purging, and emotional eating are all aspects of inner Parts within our inner system within our subconscious and unconscious that are using strategies in an attempt to ease the emotional surge from deeper inner wounds that are being pinged and triggered in present-day life.
This group utilizes the psychotherapy model of Internal Family Systems (IFS) and recognizes that All Parts Are Welcome and are actually just trying to keep our inner system in balance for the benefit of us living a happy life. However, these inner Parts are using strategies based on beliefs about ourselves that originated decades ago in early childhood. These strategies that the inner Parts are using worked at one time to help us survive trauma or emotional overwhelm.
This group meets every Monday evening 7:30pm to 9:00pm EST, 4:30pm PST, 5:30pm CST, and 12:30am London time. This group is donation based with no pre-payment or registration required. You can simply just jump on the Zoom call using the information below:
Body Confidence and Food Freedom
Sharing and support regarding parts related to the body, food, and eating.
MON 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM Eastern (NYC)
Meeting ID: 543 550 3995
Passcode: recovery